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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Welcome to the New Home Schoolers!

So it is that time again! We have officially started our homeschool year! Well really haven't stopped homeschool, but now that it is getting close to the no one wants to be outside weather we are switching back to a more classic style of homeschool. The kind that has a lot of icky books, and paperwork tracking. For use this is normal, Having a very hands-on type of learning when the weather is nice and a more structured classic style of learning when the weather turns bad. However, for all the new homeschoolers joining in on the fun it the idea of homeschooling is not normal and kind of stressful for many people. So, I want to say welcome and hopefully give you some helpful tips and encouraging words.

So first take it slow.
This is the most important part of homeschool! Take it slow and enjoy the time you now have with your kids. If this the first year home school it will take everyone a minute or two to get on the same page (heck we are on year 3 and it still takes us a bit to get things rolling smoothly when we first change to a more structured learning style). Just remember that the important thing is that your child understands the content, not how much content they can get threw. Don't understand a math concept? That ok we will just stay here for a few more days working on it. Struggling with history or even better, found a super cool history topic the kids want to learn more about? Great! Find more stuff for it!

Don't be afraid to scrap curricula!
I have had to do this several times! (Mostly with science). The first year was the worse, we hated some of the curricula that we thought would be cool and for some crazy reason we suffered threw it! Then when year 2 hit it was like I snapped and if it didn't work I threw it out! Remember don't keep using something over and over again if it not working that is just the definition of insanity!

Don't let anyone make you think you can't
So this is my last and most important one. Do not let anyone make you think you cannot school your children. This to me is the most important after some negative comments were given to me from my old high school guidance counselor who ended up becoming the principle of the school my daughter would have went too. Regardless of what anyone has told you, will tell you, or even says behind your back those are your child and you know what's best for them. If you think you can and feel homeschool is right for you then do it!

With that being said I hope this post is encouraging and helpful to some. I also hope that those that need to hear these words do! And as always I have to promote so make sure to check out all my shops! 

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Sunday, September 6, 2020

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