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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Summer Activities that support Social Distancing

So summertime is normally a time people travel, spend time with family, and try and do fun things. Unfortunately, this summer that isn't as easy as it usually is. With COVID 19 keeping many people at home and many states "closed" it makes it hard to decide what to do. Even the place that we're open seems to be closing again thanks to spikes in COVID cases. Due to all this, I have come up with a list of safe ideas to do over the summer!
(the baby and my sister enjoying the fresh strawberries)
Pick Fresh Fruit
This one is first because it is my favorite. We went to our local farm and picked strawberry. It was great for the kids (when I say kids I mean the baby and my 14-year-old sister. Lilly is currently spending time with her dad and won't be back for 3 weeks). Strawberry is not the only fruit that can be picked either. We have picked BlackBerry, raspberry, blueberry, and apples. 
As for the social distancing part, that wAs super easy most field for picking our fruit is huge! So it really easy to spread out and get away from others, while your kids run off some of the built-up energy they have. I do suggest going early in the morning as well just because it can get hot picking out their!
(our camp site, it is a primitive 1800 style camp, but you don't have to camp like us! Camper, back yard tent, or a blanket tent in the living room we don't care as long as you have fun!)

Camping is Another great thing to do that if set up in the right location can be fun and keep you away from others. I did a short entry about our camping trip, and when we went, we had no problem staying away from others. This would be a great time to look into that since I am hearing talking of the National parks opening up soon as well! Just make sure you take proper safety precautions while you and the kids are out in the woods!

Virtual Vacation
Not in a location that offers a lot of outdoor activities or just doesn't like the outdoors? That is ok there are still things you can do safely. Many place are offering virtual tours from around the world, or you cAn even use google maps to help you explore other counts from the comfort of your couch! 

Day Trips
If you happen to be lucky and are in a more open state now would be a good time to look into day trips and fun things close to you. I would just suggest  you avoid anything indoor though, it may make social distancing hard. (But check out the indoor activities web site if they have one though. Many placing are doing a good job at making it so you can still enjoy your indoor activity while keeping it a low-risk environment but low-risk do not mean no risk. If you feel comfortable and safe then help local places out and visit them!)

(baby and dad enjoying a book at our at home cation)
At Home-cation

of course the safest thing is to stay home. I know a lot of people are getting tired of hearing this but it is true. Stay in, pop some popcorn, and watch a movie. You can even buy a small pool, and set your yard up like one of my friend did to look like the Hawaiian Islands for there at home cation. The possibility are endless with this option!

Like always I hope you enjoyed reading and keep coming back to read more. Don't forget to find and support us on our social media handles, (Instagram: Retro Girl Worksheets, Twitter: Retro Girl's Treehouse, and podbean: Retro Girl's Treehouse.) 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Summer Reading

Before I get too far into anything I want to say sorry for being quiet and not posting. The fun camping trip we took Memorial Day weekend turned out to not be so fun. While there I happen to get into some deer ticks.
Well, the one that I happen to get into was carrying Lyme Disease. Which would be the 2nd time I have had it. Let me just say that having it a 2nd time was much worse than the first time. We also will not be camping at the location again because that same location is where I happen to get it the first time.

Now with that being said let's talk about summer reading!

So many homeschoolers seem to love the library and the summer reading programs many of them offer. Sadly many libraries will now be able to have them due to all the restrictions. So for my family, I have decided to create my own. Which was actually really easy.

So you can do this in power point if you like, but just make a guide with how ever mine spaces you wish for your child to complete said task. (We have 3 different ones, on for extra chorus, one for reading, and one for summer time worksheets/activity books). If you want to get real crafty with it you can even use different fonts, clipart, and colors too. 

We also found these cool stickers that you can color which we got form a local store. (I'm sure with a quick search on Amazon you could find then there as well). I also made my own clipart for the top of the page so after the sheet is filled it is now one big coloring sheet! 

So after the sheet is filled with stickers Lilly gets a reward for filling it up like she would at the library. Normally it is something like a trip to the ice cream shop, or Starbucks for a cake pop. Normally, it to go get something she likes to do but dosnt happen to often. 

That about it for now, but if you're not able to create your own sheet please follow my teacher pay teachers shop by clicking here. This way you will get updates to clip art, worksheets, and at some point unit study for your homeschool!