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Friday, May 29, 2020

Educational Camping

So first let me start with I am sorry for the lack of post. The downside to everything being shut down is we are not doing as many cool homeschool things as we normally do this time of year so I, unfortunately, do not have a lot to talk about on here.

Now with that things in West Virginia are starting to open up which means our yearly Memorial Day camping trip and rifle shoot were able to happen. Which the kids were very happy about. Though I will admit there are not as many people here for it as they normally are. Although, it did make social distancing easy, even if the normal amount of people showed up it would still be easy to social distance. We actually are finding out that in the right location camping is actually a good vacation to have and still be able to social distance from everyone. So we will most likely go camping again as more things open up.

(mine and my parents wall tent)

Now with that being said, the camping we do is not like the camping lots of other people do. We camp like we are living in 1600-1800. So not only are the kids having fun, but they are getting a great history lesson in as well. Which is great because it saves me a week of planning and research. Not only that but because they also are learning things hands-on while having fun they tend to remember what they are learning a little better. 

Not only do they get to learn about history while doing this but they get to take part in some awesome activity that they normally wouldn't. Like throwing a tomahawk and knife, shooting archery and some events even offer shooting rifles for younger children. They can even win prizes as they get older for taking part in this activity while camping.

(lilly learning how to safely throw a hack and knife)

Not only are they learning new things but these events attract people from all over the place, even people from outside the use. So they get to meet interesting people and learn about how other people act, as well as tolerance for social differences. 

These type of reenactment travel all over the place as well. If you are interested in taking part in it, or just going for a visit you can learn more here.

So if you click the here link it will take you to a Google search that  give you links to several of the larger events that happen threw out the year.

As always I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. If you like this please make sure that you find my podcast as well. You can listen to it by clicking this link here. Also if you are a homeschool or parent in need of worksheets, or clipart please make sure you check on my Teachers pay teachers store by clicking here

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